Pain is difficult to diagnose and treat. It can be chronic to one area of the body or it can move in such a way that it is a constant game of hide and seek to find the source. It may not seem to have any correlation to any physicality of the body.
Jin Shin Jyutsu is very effective for pain management and elimination. We look at pain as a symptom of energy that is blocked. Radiating or traveling pain speaks to the specific energetic pathways that are not flowing in harmony. Pain experienced in areas of the body that are not showing visual or physical signs of injury make sense to a Jin Shin Jyutsu practitioner who understands how the energy system is organized to move along specific pathways.
One of my earliest a-ha's to this was a client who had been in constant pain from a head-on collision. The body had healed, and yet the pain persisted. Tired of the side effects of constant pain medication this individual was referred to me by her physician who had been unable to pinpoint the problem for more than a year. After two Jin Shin Jyutsu sessions, the client came off of the table looking "different" to me. Two days later, I received a call from my client's spouse who stated that his wife was completely out of pain. Had I treated the area of impact from the accident? No. I listened to the energetic pulses and worked with the energy that had indicated need, not necessarily in the specific areas she noted as painful.
The body can have the appearance of perfect health, yet the individual is in severe pain. The healing of the physical body may have well taken place, but the energetic system is still in distress. Jin Shin Jyutsu unlike pain medication doesn't cover symptoms, it goes to the source - - the energetic cause for relief.