Tuesday morning, April 21st was eventful for me. United Way of the Bluegrass honored local volunteers nominated by groups and organizations in the Lexington area. As Hospice of the Bluegrass' nominee for this year, it was quite a morning for me. I was humbled to be noted along with a group of incredible people (and one dog) who had given many hours of their time and their hearts to our community in a wide range of settings. Jin Shin Jyutsu is not in the mainstream here, and so the announcer jokingly asked if my work was a form of martial art. Nonetheless, a wonderfully large group was made aware of the quiet art of Jin Shin Jyutsu. If just one person feels drawn to learn more about what I do from attending the breakfast, it will have been worth it! I owe much thanks to Rachel Shircliff (shown here), the Volunteer Coordinator at Hospice for her faith in the benefit of Jin Shin Jyutsu for Hospice patients and their families. Thank you Rachel for a wonderful morning and honor!