Midge O'Brien was a friend and client of mine that I met through Hospice of the Bluegrass in June of 2008. In 1988, Midge was diagnosed with breast cancer. She refused traditional treatment and would rarely utter the words "cancer". She called it her "irreverent cells". Usually, Hospice patient information is considered confidential, but Midge gave me permission to speak and write about her - it was part of her life work and she felt it was important to share with others.
In Jin Shin Jyutsu, Mary Burmeister said "There are no problems, just projects." Together, Midge and I worked on her project weekly, sometimes daily. She told me that the Jin Shin Jyutsu helped her manage her pain, her anxiety, and helped her come to terms with events along her life journey. Sometimes it would leave her in a blissful state in which she would tell me that she had no fear of where she would be going since she had seen it during our sessions. Midge felt strongly that her 10 year+ journey was done with a purpose; to raise the consciousness of those around her.
Midge left this world a few months ago. She was joyful and felt that she had achieved her goals. I miss her dearly and thank her deeply for allowing me to be a a part of her life.
The video attached to this post "My Irreverent Cells" was made prior to my meeting Midge and relays what Midge's wanted to pass on to those she loved - every one of us. I encourage you to watch the full film - she has a message just for you at the end. The filmmaker, who I only know as "coherg" on You Tube did a beautiful job capturing Midge's spirit. Enjoy!